
为什么Energy Fit Homes℠?

Energy Fit Homes is designed specifically for existing residential properties to recognize homes that meet energy efficiency standards. 除了日常的能源节约, getting the Energy Fit Homes certification provides peace of mind that you are doing the right thing for yourself, 你的家人, 以及你的环境.

Energy Fit Homes is also the only certification on the market that is customized for existing older homes, 管理成本低, and is focused on energy efficiency upgrades that are cost-effective to the homeowner.




在房屋评估期间, 审核员将进行现场检查, evaluating the performance and efficiency of five main areas of your home:

  • 加热系统
  • 绝缘和空气密封
  • 窗户
  • 照明
  • 通风和燃烧安全

The information is then entered into our database to generate an 能量健身评分™ 从0到100. 分数越高, 家庭的足球外围app哪个靠谱越高, and a score of greater than 95 is the first step to qualify your home for Energy Fit Homes certification (additional lighting, ventilation and combustion safety upgrades may be necessary; if required, 它们将由审计师指定).



如果您的家庭获得95或以下的能源健康评分™, the auditor will provide you a report that details the areas of your home that meet energy performance standards and the upgrades necessary to improve your total score. Upgrades are listed in order of priority and include the estimated costs as well as any eligible rebates for homeowners.



一旦您完成了推荐的升级, 提交一份申请和任何必要的文件. Upon verification, we’ll provide you with an Energy Fit Homes certificate.


Making a home more energy efficient has one obvious benefit — cost savings. 你的家比以前使用更少的能源, which can save you hundreds of dollars a year on your energy bills. 但足球外围app哪个靠谱远不止是节约成本, and homeowners with Energy Fit Homes℠ certification know this first-hand.


The requirements for Energy Fit Homes certification are often cost-effective and achievable for Minnesota homeowners. +, each Energy Fitness Plan provided at the home assessment is customized to the age and building type of your home, so you have the assurance that any upgrades necessary to earn certification are both appropriate and beneficial.

Not all energy-saving upgrades need to be entirely out-of-pocket. Most utilities offer rebates and incentives for homeowners to help cut down on energy usage. The Energy Fitness Plan tells you exactly which rebates and incentives are available, further reducing the expense of any upgrades needed to earn Energy Fit Homes certification.

Looking at your energy bills can give you some idea of your energy usage, but it isn’t until after a third-party home assessment that you know the actual energy efficiency of a home. Using a set of measures consistent with national energy performance standards, Energy Fit Homes certification verifies that a home is truly an energy-efficient one.

有没有注意到68度在每个家庭的感觉都不一样? 罪魁祸首往往是足球外围app哪个靠谱. 通过节能升级来认证一个家庭, 你在保护它一年四季不受风雨侵袭. 即使是在明尼苏达寒冷的冬天, energy efficiency can deliver improved comfort that everyone in the family can enjoy.

As people continue to “go green,” energy efficiency makes a home more desirable. 它还可以增加房屋的转售价值. 拥有Energy Fit Homes认证, homebuyers know a home meets energy performance standards and could tip the scale in your favor for both purchase decision and price, 帮助您收回节能升级的成本.

浪费能源比浪费金钱要严重得多. 这对环境有严重的影响. 通过对你的家进行节能升级, you simply consume less energy — energy created by the burning of fossil fuels. 反过来, your home generates far less of the air pollution and greenhouse gases associated with environmental changes.

Energy Fit Homes certification says a lot about a home and provides the peace of mind that you’re doing the right thing for yourself, 你的家庭和环境.

Energy efficiency is often thought of as a feature only benefiting the homeowner. 它减少了家庭的能源消耗, thereby lowering utility bills and helping homeowners save money. 然而这个事实, 其本身, demonstrates how Energy Fit Homes℠ certification could be of real value to the real estate industry.




A 2011 survey by the National Association of Realtors found that 87% of homebuyers considered the cost of heating and cooling somewhat important when buying a home1. 如果购房者缩小了选择范围, Energy Fit Homes certification could very well solidify the decision to make an offer on a particular home.


许多购房者对房地产市场一无所知, 他们必须听从你的指导. The more information you have at your disposal, the more value you add to the customer experience. 拥有Energy Fit homes认证的物业, you can share exactly how the house will provide greater comfort to homeowners and cost less to own.


Most homebuyers would rather invest in cosmetic updates to a home than energy-saving features. The requirements for Energy Fit Homes certification verifies that a home already meets the standards for energy efficiency, so homebuyers can save their money to do the things they really want to do to make a house their own.


Back in 2012, USA Today reported that green-certified homes sold for 8.每平方英尺比未认证的同行高出5%. 拥有Energy Fit Homes认证, you have one more tool to explain why a home is valued at a certain price, especially when the homebuyers can’t physically “see” the value.


To learn more about how Energy Fit Homes certification fits into the home-buying process, 请致电(612)335-3483或发送电子邮件至ismith@onesourcehomeinspection.com. We are also available to give group presentations to further explain Energy Fit Homes.

Fill out the form below to request a home energy visit or call today 651-328-6220!